Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Wilhelm Roentgen was born in Germany on March 27, 1845. He was a German physicist who is known for his detecting electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength known as X-rays. He had been a professor at multiple universities such as, the university of Strasbourg. Roentgen's first work was published in 1870, which was about specific gases. Roentgen also liked to work with quartz, pressure,
electromagnetic influences, and other important topics. Roentgen won the Noble Prize in 1901 for his
discovery of X-rays. Roentgen died on February 10, 1923.

Wilhelm Roentgen is mostly known for his discovery of the X-rays in 1895. He called these "rays" that he found X-rays because he did not know what to call them, therefore calling them unknown rays or X-rays. He discovered X-rays by studying an electric current going through a gas of low pressure. He found that if a discharge tube is enclosed in a black carton to exclude light, a paper plate covered with barium platinocyande placed in the path of these rays would become fluorescent. The first X-ray that he did was with his wife's hand. He placed her hand over the plate showing her bones, therefore the first X-ray ever taken.

Roentgen has been praised for his great work by having many honors. He had won the Nobel Prize in 1901 for his discovering of the X-rays and has also received other medals from various different countries regarding his work. He also has had streets named after him in Germany, and also has received honorary doctorates. Roentgen was known to be a very humble man who was kind to the others around him, even if they disagreed with some of his work. Although he was a people person, he would rather work alone in his Lab. Roentgen died on February 10, 1923, but is still remembered today.

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